Friday, April 04, 2008

Going for walks at Bridgeport 1

For the last month I have been going for walks on the wildflower trail at Bridgeport with friends. Well, 2 out of the four weeks - the others it has been raining. The wildflowers had started the first time, poppies and brodaieas. And the redbuds were in bloom. The second time, 2 weeks ago, the poppies were in full bloom, the lupines were just starting, and the shooting stars (Dodecathon) had their last few flowers. And I saw my first pipevine.

Two years ago, when I was there with a walking class, and taking more pictures than getting exercise, I got some good pictures of the Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies. I didn't know what they were - and when I tried looking in a butterfly key at the college, I thought I never would. Hundreds of butterflies looking all alike, and none like the ones I'd photographed.

We meet friendly people on the trail. Last time we saw a rattlesnake, moving rapidly up a steep slope, being guarded by a couple of walkers until it was out of harm's way.

This week the lupines should be in full bloom. And the river is always beautiful.

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