Thursday, August 13, 2020

This is What Trolls Look Like - Aug 2020 - Nevada City Cakifornia


A few (15-20) violent right-wing so-called 'Blue Lives' counter-protestors attack around 100 PEACEFUL Black Lives Matter protestors, many young people, kids, and moms, (and including one Council member who was knocked off her bike, face down onto the pavement) in Nevada City, California, with no intervention by local police. Some refused to intervene, blaming the peaceful original protestors for being there. Some of the police who were there can be seen on video walking and chatting with the perpetrators, and a sheriff's deputy refusing and going away when asked to intervene, making shooing gestures. Police told protestors to file a complaint later, instead of protecting them from violent harassment at the time.

The trolls used their flagpoles to attack people. Stole phones and threw them in the sewer. They had told the police ahead of time that they would be there.  Believed that law enforcement was on their side. On the day, they were right, whatever the chief of police and sheriff say now. Police are not accepting any complaints which people try to file.

No one has been charged or arrested yet.
The worst guy was one in a black trump-cult t-shirt.

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