Saturday, November 07, 2009

Tiger is trying to help

This is Tiger sitting on my mother's lap. She got him from me in maybe 1996. (I called him Musketeer.) When I said that she had gotten him from me, she said, smiling "Oh, is he the one I stole from you?"

She had been down visiting me, and actually I had offered him, because I had lots of cats then, from feeding the feral cats behind work. When she refused though, I was glad, because I liked him a lot. But then, after I had left for work on the day she was leaving, he jumped into her arms - and she just took him.

The pictures she sent showed him all ruffled right after the 2-day drive, and then calmed down and at home.

She and everyone said he had been skittish and shy here recently, but once I was here he came out and sat on her & my & others' laps.

She is seeing purple shadows on the orange cat; they changed her medicine.

11-16-09 He's spent several weeks sitting mostly on her lap at the table (well she was feeding him her food), and sleeping beside her on her bed.

She said (and she doesn't remember what's wrong) "Tiger is trying to help. He doesn't know what he can do, but he is trying so hard to help."

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