The Jobs Jar - a new literary form Oct 8, 2010
Someone over at Making Light (Open Thread 147) is to thank for the great idea of the job jar. Only I don't see a glass jar - too easy to break in a stuff avalanche. Pull out one item, work on it for one hour, if job unfinished, back in jar.
I also see the job jar idea as a new literary form... the modern ADD version of the epistolary novel, perhaps.
Mine is a sort of rural version - right at the edge of town, where that means 150 ft pine trees next to the house, and wild animals in the yard. (Or in the house if I'm not careful - I fought a border war with raccoons all one summer. As quickly as I mended an opening, they tore open a new one. They came inside and eventually up the stairs to find the cat food, which I kept moving farther away. Only cold weather and house all closed up ended it.)
The italics are really meant to be handwritten. The original pieces of paper supposedly were all typed and organized...
The Jobs Jar - a new literary form
Clean house.
Cut the blackberries off the car.
Get car fixed. Take cat to be fixed. Oops too late - back to jar!
String rope from upper porch to tree as safety line...
Sweep the roof. / Call chimney sweep after roof swept.
Get firewood.
Clean off dining table.
Clean out fridge - out to garbage.
Clean pantry for cat to have kittens.
Cut back holly from S windows so can get ladder in to putty and paint.
Repair and putty S windows. / Repaint S windows.
Buy and put in new posts for pulley clothesline. / Restring clothesline.
Find missing library book.
Repair screens etc to mouse-tight before fall!!!
Seal balcony floor seams (w/ Henry's) again before rains.
Wash rugs in yard with hose while still warm. Oops, too late, vacuum rugs and back to jar for next summer.
Wood putty carpenter bee holes in roof beams.
Bee and wasp spray in holes ?? How to keep from spraying back in face? I hear WD40 works instead? I hear that can spray back in face too...
Clean off dining table again.
Clean out wood-stove ash.
Make rack for firewood ➺ put wood in rack.
Carry up firewood. / Clean floor. / Move furniture to winter places.
TSP and repaint ceiling and walls of wood-stove room before stove season. Too late- next summer - back in jar.
Find missing library books.
Clean off dining table again.
Clean stuff out of living room, put away shopping, clothes, collect library books.
Collect shopping bags./Wash shopping bags./Put bags where I will see and take them.
Scrape, plaster repair, and paint living room S wall. While dry and warm.
Strip and re-wax living room floor. Warm days - windows open.
Find where the cat had her kittens! Oh, in the cupboard - squeaking.
Clean pile of stuff, boxes out of hall. / Clean pile of stuff off hall bench.
Move new bookcase to bedroom, rearrange furniture.
Books out of boxes and off floor into bookcase.
Buy another new bookcase for leftover books...
Find missing library books!!!
Replace broken sash cords before it's too cold. Too late - stuff bubble-wrap in gaps, until warm spell.
Find where the cat moved the kittens . . . Oh in the other cupboard.
Clean kitchen floor for kittens to play on. Kitten-proof!
Get stove repaired. Bake bread. No, wait until kittens grown or gone, so don't get stepped on.
Clean off dining table again.
Invite friends to tea / play with kittens.
Library books? . . . . Here book book book. . .
Clean house enough to have people over to visit kittens... Oh dear.
Labels: 2010, cats, kittens, living here, me