Saturday, March 12, 2016

Take Photos

Photograph Light and Water 
Photographing is seeing with new eyes.
When you are always looking, you see amazing things,
instead of walking blindly past them.

Learn to see all over again.

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Cats Are Looking

Cats are the least domesticated of our
familiar friendly animals.
If I watch them, I can see the wild.
Sleeping on my bed. Watching.

I chose these photos for the interesting images.

But the cats are all looking.

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Take Time to Read - (but pay attention to the cat)

Take Time to Read - (but don't forget the cat). Terry and I took digital photography together; I got rides home with her. This was the best picture I caught of her. We have nice expressions when we're looking at animals...

Reading is very important to me. This spot in my living room near the window is a good place to read without losing all day.

Because the chair is comfortable  only for a while...

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Always Save Some Film for Sunset

Always save some film for sunset - I learned this years ago - the hard way, what else.

I did not know I had pictures of this gorgeous purple sunset, found it looking through my photos for the assignment.

East of the Sun, West of the Moon.

Lupine & Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly at Bridgeport

We had some warm weather, and things were blooming early, but not this early. Pictures from several years ago.

Now it's cool and raining again. We need it.

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Rexie thinking about being a wildcat...

Bob In Tall Grass/ Rexie on painted chair
For a class assignment, I was putting together some presentation slides, and found some fun things looking through my images and photos. These  two cats were similar ages, still visibly young, although not kittens anymore, when these photos were originally taken.
Bob, being wild out in the grass, has been Photoshopped, using a filter.

Pure serendipity that I found them and saw how to put them together.

Doesn't Rexie look like he is dreaming about being wild?

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