Friday, December 21, 2007

Papercut color

I did this design several years ago when I was taking color theory, as a papercut. It was my favorite of several I did at the time. Red-violet & blue-green, two colors that are both capable of looking either warm or cool, depending on context. The idea is that it looks like a light is shining through the page.

The inspirations for this series of designs included Harriet Hargrave's books on Baltimore Album papercut-design quilts, and the symmetry of William Morris' fabric designs.

I always thought it would be fun on a t-shirt. Now, with Cafepress, I just have to send them the design to have it on a tee. Also, of course, a pillow, and a tile box and a round ornament or magnet. This version has been Photoshopped for richer color and some texture.

With luck I'll have a new section for it up at Cafepress this weekend. Leave me a comment if there's any particular item you'd like to see it on that I don't have.

July 6 2008

I got the whole section done up at Cafepress, including the new color t-shirts, and my new color variants on the design a few weeks ago. WRW Color by Design

And now, at Spoonflower, I can have one of my alternate color versions tiled as fabric, unique custom fabric, digitally printed!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Looking just as if she were asleep...

Curled up beside the road, a fawn or yearling. If she were a live deer, this would be a good picture. Please, everybody, be careful out there, these nights with poor visibility and early dark.

Little Lovey died last night. He was only 8 years old. He had been to the vet twice in the last two weeks. He had been blocked before, but this time was worse. After he came home, he was doing ok, but the medicine was making him sick. I eventually stopped giving it to him, he got a little better and started eating a little again. Then, on the advice of the vet, I added back just one, just once, the most likely to help, and the least likely to make him sick. But it was "use with caution in the case of kidney damage" and I think that might be what happened to him. The next morning he was very weak, and he just went downhill in a few days.

He was a feral kitten, trapped when he was several months old. He had only 3 usable legs, and hopped everywhere. He liked to be petted and have his stomach rubbed and hop up on my lap.

Once two giant dogs almost got him: they had chased him down under a bush, and he was on his back, all three sets of claws out to defend himself. I ran out in my pajamas in the rain, bare-handed, and chased them off. Then I got a length of pipe and guarded him (they tried to come back) for the hour it took him to get back to the house. He was exhausted, and went to sleep in the rain for some time. And he had totally reverted to feral, was completely scared of me. (Well, I'd been as scary as I knew how to be, telling those giant dogs to "Go home!!!")

You can read more about him, and see a picture, at

Goodby Lovey. I love you.

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